Graphic Design Department Graduation Exhibition Opened

The opening ceremony of the Graduation Exhibition prepared by 4th grade students of Ordu University, Faculty of Fine Arts, Department of Graphic Design was held at  Ordu Metropolitan Municipality Art Gallery.
Deputy Mayor of Ordu Metropolitan Municipality Celal Tezcan, Vice Dean of the Faculty of Fine Arts Prof. Dr. Zekai Tarakçı and academic and administrative staff attended to the opening ceremony of the exhibition. 
Vice Dean of the Faculty of Fine Arts Prof. Dr. Zekai Tarakçı made the opening speech.He stated in his speech that the students of the Department of Graphic Design, who will give their first graduates this year, would perform more important works in national and international fields in the near future and thanked those who contributed to the organization of the exhibition.
Deputy Mayor of Ordu Metropolitan Municipality Celal Tezcan emphasized the importance of city and university integration. He stated that Ordu Metropolitan Municipality and Ordu University carried out many scientific, cultural and artistic works together and that these cooperations would continue in the future. He finished his speech thanking those who contributed to the exhibition which included the works of senior students in the field of graphic design.
After the opening speeches, the exhibition which is the first department established in the Black Sea Region and which gives its first graduates this year, prepared by the senior students of the Department of Graphic Design, consisted of 135 works made with various techniques was seen every part of it. The visitors were informed that the exhibition would be presented until 11, June.


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