Düriye Çetinceviz Kindergarten Opening Ceremony

Rector Prof. Dr. Ali Akdoğan, Governor of Altınordu Niyazi Erten, Altınordu Mayor Aşkın Tören, Ordu Province National Education Director Kutlu Tekin Baş, Ordu Youth and Sports Provincial Director Mustafa Genç, Vice Rectors Prof. Dr. Tahsin Tonkaz and Prof.Dr. Niyazi Taşçı, General Secretary Asst. Prof. Mehmet Sami Güler, Onur Group Vice Chairman İhsan Çetinceviz, Faculty Deans, representatives of public institutions and organizations, academic and administrative staff and guests attended the opening ceremony of Düriye Çetinceviz Kindergarten that was held in our university.
Before the ceremony, Rector Akdoğan hosted İhsan Çetinceviz, Onur Group Vice Chairman, in his office and presented him a plaque.
Hülya Arlağ, Düriye Çetinceviz Kindergarten Director, who made the opening speech of the program, stated “I would like to thank Çetinceviz family who always prioritize education by undertaking the construction of our school which will be a warm home for many students in the name of Düriye Çetinceviz, who was a beloved lady loving kids deeply, Governor Seddar Yavuz, Rector Ali Akdoğan, National Education Manager Kutlu Tekinbaş and everyone who contributed."
Onur Group Vice Chairman İhsan Çetinceviz stated, “We will try to be worthy of our mother Düriye Çetinceviz and our father Emin Çetinceviz who taught us the importance of education in human life. We have love, respect and loyalty to our Ordu.”
Rector Prof. Dr. Ali Akdoğan, stating that the most effective way to strengthen individuals and society is through education, “Education is the most valuable of human investments. We can build our country only with quality education; we can raise our generations as healthy, productive and happy individuals ready for life. Preschool education constitutes the most important years of human life. Results of the research conducted many times show us that the development of the individual's brain is very fast, and we see that the development is completed at this stage. Therefore, in order to secure our tomorrows, we will build the future of our country with the education we will provide to our children in the pre-school service building opened for service within our University. With these thoughts, I would like to thank Çetinceviz family on behalf of our institution for providing Düriye Çetinceviz Kindergarten to our University, which will serve humanity for many years.”
Ordu Governor Seddar Yavuz stated, “Education is the most important field that determines the standard of living of both individuals and nations in the world. The way to step forward in international competition is through education. Preschool education is a period in which habits, basic human values and an identity are formed. Therefore, the investment we will make in our children in this period is important. I would like to thank Çetinceviz family of Ordu, who has been successful in national and international activities for supporting education.”
Following the opening speeches, musical recital was performed by the students of the Faculty of Music and Performing Arts.


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