Faculty of Arts and Sciences

Our faculty started its education with Turkish Language and Literature and Mathematics Departments within the body of Ondokuz Mayıs University in 1999. It has been continuing its education since foundation of Ordu University. The departments are Mathematics, Turkish Language and Literature, Biology, History, Chemistry, Foreign Languages, Physics, Sociology, Psychology, Art History and Archeology.

Our mission is to raise qualified staff who will take charge and responsibility in all stages of researches and developments that contribute to science based on universal science and technology, to provide scientific researches and information for the use of society and to take place in carrying out education services.   

To become a leader education institution via its high quality education level and research activities in national and international level, to achieve perfection in terms of student and personal satisfaction thanks to participative management system, to become an education institution that offers qualified service to the society. 

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Fax : 0 (452) 233 91 49
Web Site http://fenedebiyat.odu.edu.tr
T.C. Ordu Üniversitesi © 2018 Cumhuriyet Yerleşkesi PK 52200 Altınordu / ORDU Telefon : 0 ( 452 ) 226 52 00
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