Two Protocols to Strengthen University-Public-Industry Cooperation from ODU


The third meeting of the Advisory Board of the University, which was established in line with the regulations prepared in order to improve the relations between higher education institutions, business world, institutions and other stakeholders, was hosted by Ordu Chamber of Commerce and Industry.

Rector of our university Prof.Dr. Tarık Yarılgaç, President of Ordu Chamber of Commerce and Industry Servet Şahin, Vice Rectors Prof. Dr. Tevfik Noyan and Prof. Dr. Fikri Balta, General Secretary Assoc. Dr. M. Kenan Şahin, Ordu University Advisory Board Members, Ünye TSO Chairman İrfan Akar, Ordu City Council President Assoc. Dr. Özgür Enginyurt, TKDK Ordu Provincial Coordinator Ethem Gözkonan, Businessman Necdet Gürsoy attended the meeting.

Before the meeting, two protocols were signed between the University and Ordu Chamber of Commerce and Industry as “Industry Oriented Graduate Thesis Cooperation“ and “Public –University- Industry Cooperation”. With the protocols signed, it was aimed to make graduate thesis work with the cooperation of the business partners in the sector and to use public- university- industry cooperation to promote innovation, strengthen competitiveness and accelerate economic growth.

Chairman of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Servet Şahin stated, “First of all, we are very pleased to welcome you to our chamber. We signed two protocols with Ordu University as “Industry Oriented Graduate Thesis Cooperation“ and “Public –University- Industry Cooperation” . Our chamber always considers constructive cooperation. We will have a constructive protocol with our Chamber and University. I believe that the protocol will further strengthen the tie between Ordu Chamber of Commerce and Industry and Ordu University in the forthcoming period, and hold the new developments for Ordu especially in the field of industry. I wish these two protocols signed will be beneficial for our Chamber and the University.”

Rector Yarılgaç stated that the steps to be taken and the works to be carried out are placed in a scientific center by establishing a close relation with non-governmental organizations, private sector representatives, research and development organizations.He continued,” It will be a very useful projection for people and institutions to contact with universities. Collaboration with universities that create extra value and prepare the ground for the socialization of knowledge contributes to the social and cultural enrichment of social life while preparing the environment for the national industry, especially in the province and region. As Ordu University, we act without leaving this framework. Our university acts with a dynamic and progressive vision in terms of both academic and physical development. With this vision, Ordu University is a signatory of important internationally recognized project partnerships. It is a center that connects local and international channels with important partnerships and meetings held locally. The career days of 48 leading companies in the field of the Faculty of Marine Sciences at Fatsa have been an important organization in terms of the mission undertaken by our University. Today, I would like to point out that the protocols between our University and Ordu Chamber of Commerce and Industry are very important for our province and our region. I wish that the protocol we signed on this occasion will be beneficial to both our province and to both sides. I would also like to thank the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Ordu.”

The Advisory Board meeting ended after discussion of the agenda items.


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