Graduation Ceremony of the Faculty of Medicine of our University was Held
In our university Faculty of Medicine 2019-2020 education period graduation ceremony was held.
The ceremony was held at the Faculty of Medicine Morphology building Conference Hall. Rector Prof. Dr. Ali Akdoğan, Deputy Governor Gökhan İkitemur, Vice Rector and Dean of the Faculty of Medicine. Dr. Niyazi Taşçı, Chief Physician of Ordu University Training and Research Hospital Assoc. Prof. Dr. Hakan Temur, academic and administrative staff, students and guests attended.
Speaking on behalf of graduating students, in the Faculty of Medicine, Dr. Songül Açıkgöz said, “I would like to thank all my professions who have performed their profession without spending their knowledge and experience during our pandemic. In this process, I commemorate all health heroes who lost their lives with respect and mercy. Today, we are delighted to take our steps to medicine, one of the most challenging and devoted professions in the world. I wish all of us to be a physician who is conscientious, who cares about his professional ethics and who does not exceed his ego knowledge. First of all, I would like to thank my mother for raising me and my siblings as individuals who are rightful of law, conscientious, and able to stand up to difficulties ” .
Vice Rector and Dean of the Faculty of Medicine. Dr. Niyazi Taşçı said, “Today we are proud to bring new graduates to the health army. On behalf of our faculty, I would like to thank our Rector for his support in the problematic days of the epidemic process. My dear academician friends, I would like to thank you very much for your outstanding performance during these challenging days. Dear students, we would like to hear that let's congratulate today with your parents, who are praised for better conditions. But in the adventure of health full of all sorts of sweet surprises, you have encountered the most bitter surprise at the very beginning of your profession and you have completed the process in the best way. I congratulate you for your outstanding contributions to the world of health in your professional life.
Deputy Governor of Ordu Gökhan İkitemur said, “Education life is a long and difficult marathon. It is a very special feeling for us to witness the moment you have crowned your great success as a graduate of the Faculty of Medicine in this process with your personal dedication and efforts. I believe that the sparkle in your eyes is a manifestation of justified honor. The profession of medicine has always been sacred, but the global epidemic has positioned you at the front of the front. Your success so far gives us hope on behalf of our country. I am sure that you have been trained to provide the highest benefit to this country and humanity even under the most difficult conditions. I congratulate you all again and offer my respects.”.
Rector Prof. Dr. Ali Akdoğan said, “May Allah be pleased with your parents who raise you first. We wish today that your families will be here, but do not worry, as we were yesterday, today we are with you as your family and we will be with you tomorrow. As long as you serve our people with ethical feelings, love, respect and love for people, this nation has always been with you, and I sincerely believe that it will be from now on. One of the most important things in life is faith and health. If we do our duty with the feeling that you are interested in human beings and without making people alienate anyone, and that the most precious being of the universe is human, those people will respect and respect you. I would like to thank everyone who brought this university to a certain point, and we will do our best to move the bar higher. In this context, our studies have started to bring a thousand-bed hospital to our University with the instructions and support of our President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, hopefully our hospital will be finished in 2023. In addition, we requested the Ministry of Health to build a Morphology building next to our hospital where our teachers can do their academic and scientific studies”.
Rector Akdoğan said, “As a result of their education at the Faculty of Medicine, our 41 young physicians who will join the health army today will serve the society in the best way. Our beloved youth, who have completed six years of hard training and qualified to become physicians, never withhold your compassion and compassion from your patients. Love, respect, tolerance, sacrifice and patience that we want to exist in human relations are much more important values ??for physicians. With these feelings and thoughts, I would like to thank our precious families, Faculty of Medicine faculty and all our colleagues who have contributed and wish you life-long success ”.