Obstacles are Exceeded with Ordu University
The European Union project, which Ordu University has contributed as an executive, has created a closing dinner for the project 'Skills do not Know Barriers for Employment', which will facilitate the employment of disabled people and social life integration.
The program held in Gardenya Restaurant and Rector V. Prof. Dr. S. Metin Kara, Altinordu Mayor Engin Tekintaş, Vice Rector Dr. Prof. Tevfik Noyan, Director of Technical Sciences Vocational School Dr. Kursat Korkmaz, Ordu Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Ordu İŞKUR, representatives of the Ordu Disabled Society, academicians, trainees and invitations took part in this organization.
To contribute to the employment and integration of unemployed disabled people in the Army as a part of the project 'Skills do not Know Barriers for Employment' which is carried out within the framework of 'Social Integration and Employment Promotion Grant Scheme for Disadvantaged People' organized within the scope of financial cooperation between Turkey and the European Union and to reduce prejudices in the labor market, 20 training courses were organized within the scope of the training program organized in order to raise awareness about disability rights in the public. The training course organized by Ordu University in partnership with the Ordu Chamber of Commerce and Industry and the Ordu Association for the Elderly and contributed by Ordu University as the project manager of the Technical Sciences Vocational School was organized between 27 February and 18 October. Within the scope of the project, a total of one thousand two hundred people in the subjects of marbling, engraving, filography, sales personnel, Turkish handicrafts, business organization, product packaging, e-marketing, business health and security, gift, business and social life communication, entrepreneurship, Each hour was trained.
Speaking at the event organized by the project sona ermesi the Director of Technical Sciences Vocational School. Dr. Kürşat Korkmaz, "I thank my disabled brothers and sisters for being the reason for not being here tonight. I would like to thank the project coordinator Mithat Hoca for preparing such a project, bringing this project to my university, for spending time with these friends and for sharing our lives with them. We are giving importance to our disabled brothers and sisters as a university, a unit, and a person in the integration of such projects into social life. "
Altınordu Mayor Engin Tekintaş said, "Knowing the value of our life, we should be able to continue the struggle for the preparation of life without any distinction between those who are partially deprived of these possibilities by using the advantages that our health gives us. In fact, this project is partly based mainly on Europe, mainly through the European Union and partly through the University. We are trying to see something that is missing from us. Altınordu Municipality has implemented such a project and was very happy, especially in the field of arts and music, to implement a project to renovate our disabled brothers and sisters. We should thank our college and project partners for giving our disabled brothers and sisters here. These brothers and sisters are aware of the importance of the skills and advantages provided to them to build a future. It was very important to reveal this awareness anyway. In this project, I would like to thank to Rector Prof. Dr. Prof. Tarık Yarılgaç, director of Vocational School of Technical Sciences Dr. Kürşat Korkmaz and the project coordinator Assist. Assoc. Dr. Mithat Akgün and his team, Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Association of Handicaps and İŞKUR for their precious children and thanks to our brothers and sisters with disabilities for their disability for this project".
Vice Rector Prof. Dr. S. Metin Kara, "I am very happy to be here with you tonight. A new addition has been added to the successful project work that our precious Mithat Hodja has done before. First of all, I would like to thank him very much to İŞKUR, the Director of Vocational School of Technical Sciences and the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of this project. In fact, these studies are a very important indicator of university-industry cooperation. Universities are institutions that produce information in the society and increase the prosperity of the society by converting the produced knowledge to technology. We have to cross the barriers. We know that the most important thing is the skill over the barriers, we have to raise all our members very well, including disabled people. I find this project very valuable in this sense. I would like to thank all the participants and congratulate our students who will be graduating from heart. "
ODÜ Press