ODU on the way to be a research university

Ordu University which continues a qualitative growth each passing day maintains the studies on the way to be a research university performing the searching projects, scientific papers, post graduate programmes and the labs it has.

Within the scope of regional-oriented development projects of mission differentation and specialization launched by Higher Education Council, in the previous year among ten universities 10 research universities and 5 candidate research universities were selected.

During the period of determining of candidate research universities, a variety of parameters such as global scientific studies involving the priorities of our country , evaluating of the present conditions of universities, future plans, leadership dimension and research and development strategy and governance of universities were taken into consideration.

Research universities which take a critical role in social and economic development of the countries contribute science globally are the organizations offering comprehension education. For the countries which are on the growth process such as Turkey, existence of research universities and lab infrastructures, library and information systems and some other  supporting research atmosphere are a must. Besides, that research universities incorporate qualified lecturers, researchers, students and administrative staff  and prolific searching culture are of great importance.

In this context, in Ordu University which maintains the services for the sake of society  training the qualified responsible people at every stage of research and development process continues the studies with 8 research and application labs and 140 labs.

That research universities focus on post graduate education and have qualified academic human sources and low number of students for each lecturer and have a high performance of publishing source are among their distinctive features.

When the criteria are considered, while Ordu University with 24.000 students takes a pionering role in training the individuals who can produce innovative ideas and think analitically and are equipped and versatile, the rate of students number for  each lecturer in 2006 was 150,4 but the rate decreased to 69,8 in the educational period of 2017-2018. In addition to that, in graduate education which is one of the basic necessities of being a research university, Ordu University maintains research activities with a growth rate and 102 programmes and over the number of 2000 students.

Ordu University which has had a great academic competence as well as added value in the region and is a candidate to be a research university is conducting a variety of projects in the scope of research projects such as TÜBİTAK (Turkish Scientific and Technical Research Institute), SAN-TEZ, DOKAP, EU and KEİK.

Because the focusing point of research universities is searching, the publishing performances of these universities are expected to be at high level. The lecturers at Ordu University which keeps on studying to be a research university signed 1965 scientific papers in 2017. In the meantime, the number of international papers has risen 50,1 and 11.3 with international papers totally 23,1.

The Rector Prof Dr Tarık Yarılgaç assessed about the occasion and said '' Research universities have searching priority and culture starting from information transfer activities in education and training to the cooperations between public and industrial organizations. Research universities are performing the studies that contribute the development of economy and welfare of the society with the activities using information transfer. Thanks to the cooperations that the research universities set up with respectful universities, they have become a prestigious source for international recognition. In this sense, Ordu University has targeted to have a place in international platform conducting  scientific studies and forms the policies within this direction and reached a significant step in recent years.

Ordu University, in the short period since 2006, has reached 104,1 growth rate in student number and in respect of programmes, 15 times in post graduate, and the number of scientific papers, 11 times at doctorate degree, and during this period the number of scientific meetings 14 times, university publications 26,4 times and total publication numbers, 30,2 times have existed.

In addition, Ordu University has successfully passed the evaluation processes in 12 years' time and proved that it has caught a sustainable qualification level and carried its institunalisation to further level. Besides, Ordu University has already adopted innovative and entrepreneur role in cooperation between university-industry, university-business sector and university -public sector. Beyond that vision, Ordu University aims at offering direct service to the society as a candidate research university and producing new information for nation-wide development and transforming the data into an output and contributing human capital.

Ordu University with all intellectual gains, informative structure, conducting scientific activities is a brand value in the region is continuously maintaining the studies on the way to be a research university with intelletual experience and scientific papers. '' 



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