Great interest to the School of Physical Education and Sports of Ordu University

The Aptitude test of the educational period of 2018-2019 for the School of Physical Education and Sports (BESYO) launched with a great interest.

The Rector Yarılgaç paid a visit to the test hall. The candidates targeting to study at BESYO passing through the aptitude test which started on the 4th August and lasts for 3 days are in a competition to complete the racetrack which consists of 7 stations exercising a variety of activities such as tumbling, crossing, throwing to the target, slalom, changing the balls, jumping with double feet.

After registering the performances of the candidates during their test using a special system called ‘’Photocell’’, the results will be evaluated by test commission and formed using a special sowfware programme and announced adding YKS points of the candidates.

Record Applications every year

The School of Physical Education and Sports equipped with the latest technological laps having European standarts where a variety of tests such as measurements of muscle, static and dynamic balance, body fat and liver capacity, aerobic and unaerobic reaction, artificial EGM are carried out draws a great attention of the candidates and reaches the record number of the applications every year.

In the previous educational period of 2017-2018, the number of the applicants was 400 for girls and 965 for the boys totally 1.365. In new educational semester, the number is 475 for girls and 1440 for boys totally 1.915.

On the occasion the Rector of Ordu University, Prof Dr Tarık Yarılgaç said ‘’ the success rate of Ordu University has been on the rise since we came to administration in all educational units and we are trying the youngsters to meet a quality training . As a results of the activities we have been conducting, the quality has increased in both central exams and aptitude tests. In this sense we are performing the works to meet the great interest coming from the candidates and offer the latest technological equipment to them.

Hereby, I wish great success to all candidate students trying to be successful and being a member of Ordu University.’’


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