ODU is Famous for Country-wide Sportive Achievements
In addition to its academic development, the University has continued its cultural, sporting and artistic activities uninterruptedly and has achieved many successes in various sports competitions.
The University continues to contribute to the national sport between the years of 2011-2018, hosting universal basketball, football, volleyball, handball, boxing, table tennis, muay thai, folk dances, disability Olympics and the Universities Handball Super League Promotion Competitions. In this context, once in Muay thai, twice in judo, our students who have achieved success with the first place in Turkey, won a cup and a medal in sports like wrestling, billiards, chess, wushu, boxing, taekwondo and our university entered the top three in the rankings a total of 27 times.
In addition, our students continue to represent our university successfully in handball, football, volleyball, basketball, badminton, corfbol and tennis branches with performances they have shown in the first and second league categories of universities.
Rector Prof. Dr. Tarık Yarılgaç has been evaluating the sportive activities and achievements achieved in the last years within the Ordu University and stated that the higher education institutions are responsible for the social development of the students as well as the academic development. He continued his speech as follows: “In parallel with the dizzying developments in science and technology throughout the world and our country, it is observed that the importance of sport activities in human life is increasing. A scientific approach to sport and sport events that contribute to the physical, mental, emotional and social development of individuals and that is a scientific discipline needs to be dealt with a scientific approach and the formation of sports consciousness in every part of our society. Nevertheless, the sporting activities carried out in the institutions of higher education are of great importance for the success of university students and for the acquisition of all the qualifications required by their profession. We continue to contribute to the development of our young people through the national level sporting events hosted by the university administration as well as our academic achievements that we have come up with since our day. In this process, I would like to congratulate our students, who have benefited from the facilities of the Physical Education and Sports High School and have contributed to the recognition of our University, by attaining important grades in the national competitions, and I would like them to continue these achievements in every field."