ODÜ Continues as a World Citizen University


Ivan Franko, who is based in Ukraine with our university, signed a protocol with the National University of Lviv and Lviv Polytechnic National University to provide exchange of students and teaching staff and to carry out various projects.

Rector of our university Dr. Prof. Tarık Yarılgaç, Vice Rector Dr. Şevket Metin Kara, Faculty of Science and Literature Dr. Öznur Ergen Akçin, Faculty of Music Performing Arts, Professor. Sabri Yener, Head of International Relations Department Assoc. Dr. Şermin Tağ Kalafatoğlu, Deputy Secretary General Kürşat Taştan and Head of Administrative Finance Department Akın Türkyılmaz visited Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, one of the most established universities of Ukraine, to visit Lviv Polytechnic Natonal Universe.

Ukrainian University Students' Intensive Attention to Turkish Language and ODÜ

Within the framework of the protocol signed between the universities in order to provide various projects, common academic studies, teaching staff and student exchange, the Rector of our University Prof. Dr. Tarik Yarılgaç and Lviv Ivan Franko National University Rector Dr. Melnyk Volodymyr in the meeting between the two universities in the direction of the development of the steps for the development of the views expressed. It was also expressed that the scientific and cultural legs of the economic cooperation between Turkey and Ukraine will be completed through the cooperation of the universities.

 Lviv Ivan Franko National University (IFNU), which was founded in 1661 in the 16th century, is an educational institution with the title of Eastern Europe and Ukraine's oldest and most established university, with about 20,000 students and over 2,000 teaching staff. the Turkish Language and Literature Center was opened on May 20, 2016 as a result of intense interest in learning. In this context, the delegation from Ordu University gave information about Turkish culture and Ordu University to the students as a guest to the class of students who took the course of Turkish Language and Literature in this center. The students who asked about the life in Turkey showed their intense knowledge and love of Turkish culture and language. Ordu University Rector Dr. Tarık Yarılgaç stated that they will be able to continue their studies by coming to Ordu University as a result of the protocol they signed with Ivan Franko National University in Lviv.

ODÜ Makes Strategic Partnerships

The universities signed bilateral protocols include the Lviv Polytechnic National University, Ukraine's oldest technical university with a history of 200 years. 35 thousand students and the largest technical institutions in the country, the university's Vice Rector for International Relations Professor. Dr. The interview with Oleh Matviykiv emphasized the importance of the joint work between the two universities and emphasized the strengthening of the bilateral relations between the universities through the exchange of students and teaching staff. It was stated that the two universities would benefit from this thanks to the mutual exploitation of the laboratories, the libraries, and the exchange of knowledge and experience of the teaching staff.

Rector Yarılgaç and his accompanying delegation visited Lviv Mayor Andriy Sadovyi and Lviv Governor Oleg Sinyutka in their offices and exchanged views on the possibility that relations between the two countries could be improved through the protocols of the Ukrainian and Turkish universities.

Rector Prof. Dr. Tarık Yarılgaç said, "Our university, which has the international qualifications and acts with the mission of educating the most qualified graduates, is collaborating with well-known and respected institutions globally. Ordu University acquires accreditations, establishes strategic partnerships and acts with distinguished institutions that have a significant background in their countries. Our university is on its way to establishing important scientific partnerships since the year it was established on the way to becoming a world citizen in accordance with international conventions and standards. Our university, which is based on universal principles in scientific studies and closely follows the scientific developments in the world in this context, is at the same time carrying international relations one step further without ignoring the importance of intercultural communication and dialogue. Being able to carry out various projects together with these two universities, which attach great importance to research activities within the framework of this cooperation protocol that we have realized, will gain experience in our existing universities. I hereby wish that the protocol of the University between Ukraine and Ivan Franko National University of Lviv and Lviv Polytechnic National University will be beneficial for the two countries and three universities. "

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