ODU Added Milano University to its International Agreements
Between our university and the University of Milan, Italy, a protocol on biomedical sciences and a partnership involving physical education and sports fields was signed.
Within the frame of Erasmus Plus Exchange Program, which aims to increase qualifications in higher education, to strengthen the cooperation of higher education institutions with each other and business world, to increase teaching staff and student mobility, to strengthen personal development of individuals, to increase employment opportunities and to develop common scientific activities. Dr. Tarik Yarılgaç visited Milan University of Italy to sign a business association protocol. During the visit of Rector Yarılgaç, the Director of the School of Physical Education and Sports Lecturer Member Ercüment Erdoğan, Instructor Assoc. Dr. Alparslan İnce and Dr. Lecturer. Hasan Sözen accompanied to him. As a result of the negotiations, a protocol of biomedical sciences and physical education and sports was signed between the University of Milan and the University of Milan, Italy, founded in 1924 with 62 thousand students.
The rector of Ordu University Dr. Tarık Yarılgaç said, "Within the scope of our visit to Italy, we have added a new bilateral agreement with many universities in various countries of the world. We know that in this period when we live the age of information and technology, we are working with international institutions and organizations on the basis of education as a precondition of being an information society and integrating with the world. We continue to work forever from the day when we came to work in order to develop relations abroad. We believe that collaborative projects and exchange programs implemented in this framework with the universities in the world and in Europe will have positive consequences for the studies carried out by contributing to the development of existing higher education institutions. As Ordu University, we aim to provide our students with the opportunity to receive training at different universities around the world, and to be recognized internationally by our protocols, such as this and similar business association protocols, the development of quality in higher education, innovation and excellence. In this context, I wish Milano University and I would like to have a cooperation protocol covering biomedical, physical education and sport fields beneficial to my country, my university and our students.