Rector Akdoğan Was the Guest of TRT Radio
Our University Rector Prof. Dr. Ali Akdoğan has been the guest of TRT Trabzon Radio Academic Window program. Rector Akdoğan answered questions on many topics such as the development of Ordu University, scientific research and projects, and social and cultural events.
Rector Akdoğan stated that Ordu University continues its development with its academic and administrative units in a short period of 14 years, with the increasing number of students and physical growth each passing period. “Ordu University started its educational journey in 2006, 737 in 3 Institutes, 12 Faculties, 2 Higher Schools and 10 Vocational Schools. academic and 760 administrative staff; It is a large family with nearly 20 thousand graduate, undergraduate and associate degrees. Our University; In order to become a brand university in its region, country and in the world, we are in an effort to create projects and collaborations for the common benefit of the city and the university, by introducing new and original ideas with our entrepreneurial, innovative and researcher spirit. ” said.
Rector Akdoğan, who gave information about the number of research, projects and publications carried out, stated that 50 projects were supported with a budget of 500 thousand TL in the Scientific Research Projects (BAP) unit; He stated that the number of outsourced projects such as TÜBİTAK, DOKAP, Erasmus, Mevlana and Farabi reflected on the data as 20 in 2019. Rector Akdoğan underlined that a total of 3 thousand 67 publications including articles, books, theses and translations published in national and international journals by the academic staff of our university were made in 2019 and 916 references were made to these studies.
Rector Akdogan, saying that the investigation by Ordu University in all stages of the exports from the production of nuts, which has become a symbol of and hazelnut many studies carried out "in 70 percent of world hazelnut Turkey, are produced in Ordu a significant rate as 30 percent. We continue our efforts to increase the economic return of hazelnuts and we carry out important works within the framework of university-industry cooperation. In addition, beekeeping and on honey production, our Turkey's most important in one location from the provincial province beekeeping makes people more productive and able to produce high quality honey, in a scientific context and in a professional manner make production with the Director of the Institute Ordu Beekeeping Research have signed a cooperation protocol. With this collaboration, we aim to be the occasion of Ordu becoming a brand in the national and international arena in honey production. In addition to this, important studies are carried out on other important agricultural products of the region such as kiwi and blackberries”.
Turkey University Satisfaction Survey According to a report in 2019 that the Ordu University of 123 public universities in the 38th row settled and these findings, students, scientific and social needs of the success of the Ordu University in meeting demonstrating that expresses Rector Akdogan said, "Our students not only academic development but also social, cultural and we are carrying out the necessary studies to carry out sports activities. In this context, more than 100 social, cultural, scientific and sports events were signed in our University in 2019. By sharing such a social and dynamic education and training approach with both our students and staff, we are expanding the perspective of only classrooms. With this perspective, we will continue to continue our activities without interrupting with the goal of raising individuals who think universally. ”