The Ceremony of 2018-2019 Academic Year actualised at the Presidency Complex
The Opening Ceremony of 2018-2019 Academic Year was realised with the honour of the President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan under the cover of Higher Education Council.
Along with the President R. Tayyip Erdoğan and the Director of HEC, M.A. Yekta Saraç and the Ministers, the University Rectors, The Rector of Ordu University Prof Dr Tarık Yarılgaç, the Dean of the Faculty of Fine Arts Prof Dr Zekai Tarakçı, the Dean of the Faculty of Economy and Business Sciences Prof Dr Sadık Kılıç, the Director of the Institution of Social Sciences Prof Dr Necip Fazıl Duru, the Director of VET school of Social Sciences Prof Dr Abdullah Eren, the Director of VET School of Technical Sciences Prof Dr Kürşat Korkmaz, The Associate Prof Niyazi Taşçı from Medical Faculty, The Directtor of International Relations Office Associate Prof Şermin Tag Kalafatoğlu and Associate Prof Emine Bağdatlı from the Faculty of Science and Literature took part in the ceremony.
The Director of Higher Education Council M. A. Yekta Saraç made a speech at the ceremony. Prof Dr Saraç highlighted that Turkey has been a hope of exploited peoples across the world and struggled against the injustice and reached the victory for the target and still all the institutions of Turkish State should interlock around the President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan.
The Director of HEC Prof Dr Saraç added that as the Council of Higher Education, we have planned a great deal of activities considering academic priorities and tensions in the world. Prof Dr Saraç also stated that Presidency system provided efficient and healthy movement ability to us. We aim at supporting the targets of new Turkey and doing our best to reach them. For the last 20 years despite classifications of universities into different missions, Turkey has maintained the understanding of one-type university but after the new presidency system with the instruction of the President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, we have also launched the specialization and forming of universities. On the other side of specialising we have put new established universities in Anatolia into competitive atmosphere and last year 5 universities concentrated on the fields ; agriculture, husbandry, jeotermal, textile, skin and ceramics. Prof Dr Saraç informed about the project '' Regional-focused Mission Differentation and Specialization'' and 100/2000 HEC Doctorate Scholarship project'2 and 4 main projects.
The Director Saraç ststed that Higher Education Council has been on the way to carry out many targets ; specialization, mission-differentation, target-focused internationalization, vertical growth and freedom quality board.
Prof Dr Yekta Saraç ended his speech saying that '' I wish a great academic year to all academicians and students.
At the ceremony The President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan made a speech. The President Erdoğan said '' We increase the quantity of scholarship.
The President Erdoğan said '' We increase the quantity of scholarship. The number of student's hostels reached 640 thousand but the students always ask for scholarship. ''Why don't you ask for credit ? '' It also offers you , the sudents, a variety of advantages.''
The President Erdoğan maintained his speech saying that '' I would like to give good news to the students. '' We increase the quantity of scholarship up to 500 TL for undergraduate students, 1000 TL for graduate students and 1500 TL for doctorate students.
The President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan knowledged about two offices established in the Presidency Complex ; digital transform office and human resources office. The President Erdoğan said '' We would like to start a big technology step and also set up career centres in all universities. With the human resources offices we would like to carry out activities about the youth future and he highlighted about '' Ability Management''.
After the talks the President of Higher Education Council Prof Dr Saraç introduced a bouquet of flowers to the President Erdoğan along with the students. After the flower delivery the President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan and Prof Dr Yekta Saraç introduced outstanding success rewards to the academicians.