Turkish Art Music Concert at ODU
Turkish Art Music concert was performed by Turkish Art Music Community from Faculty of Music and Performing Arts.
The program was held at the Faculty of Medicine Morphology Building Conference Hall. Mayor of Ordu Metropolitan Municipality Engin Tekintaş, Prof. Dr. Tarık Yarılgaç, Deputy Governor of Ordu Ekrem Ballı, Vice Rectors Dr. Fikri Balta and Prof. Dr. Tevfik Noyan, Dean of the Faculty of Education Prof. Dr. Sadık Kılıç, Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences Prof. Dr. Öznur Ergen Akçin, General Secretary M. Kenan Şahin, academic and administrative staff, students and guests attended the event.
Dean of Faculty of Music and Performing Arts Prof. Sabri Yener organized the concert and it was given in two parts. In the first part of the concert, Hicazlar Peşrev, Bülbül gibi Pür Oldu Cihan Nağmelerinden, Mani Oluyor Halimi Takire Hicabım, Çözmek Elimde Değil Gönlümü Senden Kadın gibi pek çok hicazkar eser seslendirildi. Mahur ve nikriz eserlerin yer aldığı ikinci bölümde ise Mahur Peşrev were sung and performed. In the second part of the concert, Mahur Peşrev, Hare Var in Yemen, Deli Gönül and Bir Destan Dolaşır bolu Dağını were performed.
After the concert, the Mayor of Ordu Metropolitan Municipality Engin Tekintaş gave aspeech and emphasized that the development of Ordu University within a period of 13 years was noteworthy. He also thanked to our Rector, Vice-Rectors, Faculty Deans and faculty members and administrative staff and conductor.
Mayor of Ordu Metropolitan Municipality Mayor Engin Tekintaş gave flowers to Dean of Faculty of Music and Performing Arts Sabri Yener and the program ended.