ODU Continues its Collaborations with the Leading Universities of the World
Rector of our university Prof. Dr. Tarık Yarılgaç visited the Institut del Teatre and Mondragon University in Spain and exchanged views on future collaborations for academic staff and student exchange within the framework of previously signed bilateral agreements.
The Vicedean of Faculty of Music and Performing Arts Assoc. Prof. Dr. İrfan Karaduman and International Relations Officer Arife Öksüz accompanied the Rector Prof. Dr. Tarık Yarılgaç during the visit on which is made by the framework of Erasmus +.
During the visit which was held by Rector Yarılgaç the Institut del Teatre, one of Spain's leading educational institutions in theater and dance education, Magda Puyo Bove, general director of the school, the director of the dance school Alexis Eupierre and the director of the theater school Montse Vellvehí’ gave information about Institut Del Teatre and exchanged views on training, research, innovation and information transfer in the field of performing arts in the framework of Erasmus + agreement, which enables the exchange of students and lecturers between the two universities.
Following the Institut Del Teatre visit, Rector Yarılgaç met with the Rector of Mondragon University, Vicente Atxa at the Arrasate Mondragon, near Bilbao, Spain, and the University's Erasmus responsible Modesto Mateos. Rector Yarılgaç exchanged information about the cooperative management system of Mondragon University which is one of the most important universities in Europe and only one in the world with its cooperative management model. Rector Yarılgaç, toured the main campus accompanied by the rector of Mondragon University, Rector Vicente Atxa after the meeting. During the campus tour, Rector Prof. Dr. Tarık Yarılgaç examined the electric car which was invented by the Mondragon University students 20 years ago.
The Rector Yarılgaç, who stated that Ordu University has carried out highly productive works in the field of international science, art and cultural activities with the bilateral agreements signed across the globe added, “Our university, which brings its campus and scientific infrastructure to universal standards, expect to continue its existence in the world science and culture with its student and staff exchange programs. Our university, which has both contributed to the scientific literature and carried on its mission of a cultural ambassador with such agreements will continue to perform remarkable scientific and cultural projects in the national framework as well as in our region, by means of the cooperation with Mondragon University, which stands out with its internationally recognized cooperative management model, undergraduate and graduate studies.Therefore, I would like to thank to the Institut del Teatre directors and Vicente Atxa, the Rector of Mondragon University and his team for their hospitality.