Our University's Emin Çetinceviz Center Library and Düriye Çetinceviz Pre-School Education Center were Opened
The opening of the University's Emin Çetinceviz Central Library and the Düriye Çetinceviz Preschool Education Center took place with the participation of the National Education Minister Ismet Yılmaz.
In the opening ceremony held in the Republic Campus, the Minister of National Education Ismet Yilmaz, the Governor of the Ordu Seddar Yavuz, Mardin Deputy Süleyman Bölünmez, Ordu Metropolitan Mayor Enver Yilmaz, Samsun Metropolitan Mayor Yusuf Ziya Yilmaz, Rector of our university Prof. Dr. Tarık Yarılgaç, Rector of Giresun University Dr. Cevdet Coşkun, Rector of TOBB University Dr. Adem Şahin, former Minister of Culture and Tourism Ertuğrul Günay, former Forest Minister Ersin Taranoğlu, Constitutional Court Vice President Engin Yıldırım, President of the Dispute Court Nuri Necipoğlu, Altınordu Mayor Engin Tekintaş, Vice Rector of the University Prof. Dr. Fikri Balta, Dean of our university Prof. Dr. S. Metin Kara, Ordu Provincial Director of National Education Şaban Karataş, Ordu Youth and Sports Provincial Director Mustafa Genç, Onur Group Chairman Onur Çetinceviz, Onur Group Vice Chairman Ihsan Çetinceviz, Emt Erimtan Consulting President Yüksel Erimtan, Emt Erimtan Consultancy Board Member Zafer Rençber, Gama Holding Board Member Engin İnanç, Bayburt Group Chairman Abdurrahman Şentürk, Bayburt Group Board Member Ahmet Şentürk, Former Turkish Airlines Board Member Alaaddin Kuday, Court of Accounts (Former) 2.Daire Chairman Burhan Tokcan, Vakıflar Former General Manager and Former Deputy Chairman of the Red Crescent Fadıl Ünver, our university staff and invited guests attended.
The music concert, which was prepared by the Faculty of Music and Performing Arts of the University, was held at the ceremony which started with a silence and the National Anthem. Onur Çetinceviz, the Chairman of the Board of Onur Group, highlighted that they were very special and meaningful for their families and that they were happy to be brought to their country by Duriye Çetinceviz and Emin Çeticeviz's Duriye Çetinceviz Preschool Education Center and Emin Çetinceviz Library. Describing the importance of Annetler's love for all children and his father's importance to educated young people, Çetinceviz emphasized that children's identity formation began in early childhood and that pre-primary education centers played an important role in the development of new generations. Cetinceviz stated that the libraries are the most important application places for the scientists and students because of providing more reliable information than digital media. "The idea, conscience and knowledge of these places will play a big role in the generation of free generations. These generations will also undertake important tasks for our country. As the Great Leader Mustafa Kemal has stated, he loves his homeland, which makes his job the best. "
In his speech at the opening ceremony, our university's Rector Prof. Dr. Tarik Yarılgaç said, "In 2006, our university started training with 4400 students, 118 academicians and 110 administrative staff in 2006. Today, 750 academicians, 348 administrative staff, 23 thousand students in the academic year of 2017-2018 and with the thousands of students graduated in the process, progressing rapidly. All institutions and organizations in Turkey reaching the vision and goals set for the 21st century will play an important role. It is of utmost importance to train qualified human power in addition to scientific research activities aiming at becoming a global power of our country, even if it can not reach the determined targets. The achievement of Turkey's strategic goals, we know that it is closely related to the performance of universities and the development of human capital. As the administration of the University of Ordu, in this context, we are determined to carry out national and international projects by conducting qualified scientific research, to ensure that every field scientist is educated, to always have a say in the national and international field and to lead the development of university-industry-city collaboration by raising the quality of education one step at a time ." said.
Rector Yarılgaç stated that Ordu University encourages the scientific activities of its academic staff in line with its goals and stated that studies are being carried out to increase the number of scientific works and citation published in respectable international indices. Yarılgaç said, "Our city will be presented to the service of humanity in order to help the development of our children, that is, our children, in the social, physical and cognitive areas of the Düriye Çetinceviz Preschool Education Center, which is gained with the contributions of our university Çetinceviz family, and to prepare children for primary education.
The former Culture and Tourism Minister Ertuğrul Günay says: ''these works will offer great contributions to Ordu and the region, especially to our university, stating that the two schools, which have the technological features of the times, and that share the happiness of bringing the two modern educational centers to our country, the two most important pieces of art that will be admired are provided by Çetinceviz Family and Rector of Ordu University Prof. Dr. Tarık Yarılgaç. I would like to present my gratitude to him.''
Governor Seddar Yavuz summarizes his views: "Today we will open two educational institutions providing reading, knowing and knowledge on the basis of civilization. The blood and tears in the Islamic world are existed because of staying away from science, education and reading. I thank all of you individually for this occasion, I congratulate all of you. I believe that this city will become a star city in the Black Sea Region within the next 5 years and we will do it together. I would like to thank our ministers who have served here in the past. I hope that Emin Çetinceviz Central Library and Duriye Çetinceviz Center Pre-school Education Center will be good and useful. "
National Education Minister Ismet Yilmaz who gave information about the innovations realized in education from the past to the present says: ''I would like to thank each and every one of you individually for being a witness and a partner for the happiness of the Çetinceviz family on this beautiful day. I wish that Emin Çetinceviz Central Library and Düriye Çetinceviz Pre-School Education Center which were gained to Ordu University would be good. The best and most important investment for a person's own country is investment in education. We can build our country with a good quality in education; we can educate our people as life-ready, healthy, productive and happy individuals. It should be seen as a factor that determines the quality of education in libraries as much as schools. In the process of education, especially in higher education, one factor that brings a university from other universities is that it has a qualified library. I would like to once again thank Çetinceviz family, which has provided a modern library to my university. The best service for an educational institution is to provide a library to the existing institution. It is also possible to increase the reading rate of books by bringing books to friends in the library, which is opened to the public. In our country, the quality of education, pre-school education and dissemination of libraries will increase to higher levels. I would like to thank Çetinceviz family for bringing these two important buildings to Ordu University. "
After the opening speeches, the Minister of Education İsmet Yılmaz presented his gifts to Onur Çetinceviz and the Governor to İhsan Çetinceviz. After the opening ceremony with ribbon cutting for Emin Çetinceviz Center Library and Düriye Çetinceviz Preschool Education Center, the buildings of the Central Library and Pre-School Education Center, which were gained, were visited.