Mini Botanic Parks Will Be Created in Ordu University Campus
The plant diversity that is present in the campus of Ordu University which has increased the green field capacity by 7.5 times in the last 4 years will gain wealth with mini botanical gardens with different plants suitable for ecological conditions.
After the protocol signed recently between Italy Urbino University, our Rector Prof. Dr. Tarık Yarılgaç studied in the Botanical Garden of the University of Urbino, founded in 1809 and home to many plant diversity. The green field capacity will be increased with afforestation and flowering activities rich in plant flora and fauna by creating aesthetic and functional outdoor environments in our university. It was stated that mini botanical areas, including different plant species, will be established after the observations held at the University of Urbino Botanical Garden.
Our Rector Prof. Dr. Tarık Yarılgaç stated, “Many tree and flower species such as maple, cypress, ash tree and tree of paradise in our university campus have similarities with many species in the Botanical Garden of Urbino University. As a result of our investigations, many subtropical and tropical fruit species grown in our country can also grow in this region. We have seen that it is possible to exhibit many plant density suitable for our ecological factors in very small areas with a botanical park presentation. We had started to practice in certain parts of our University many years ago, similar to the works done in the Botanical Garden of Urbino University, which is very close to ours ecologically. As it is known, the Research and Application Site of the Faculty of Agriculture in the Organized Industrial Zone has been transformed into a collection garden, where both research-oriented academic activities have been conducted and many species of the region have been grown for 8 years. In our campus, we are planning to create mini botanical gardens in which tropical, sub-tropic and temperate climate species, which have been able to grow for centuries in the Eastern and Central Black Sea Region, can take place especially in certain areas that we call microclimate. We hope to initiate joint efforts with Urbino University, where we will hold talks on what kind of studies can be done in the fields of medicinal aromatic plants and endemic plants.”