The Faculty of Dentistry is Equipped with the Latest Technological Systems
Rector Prof. Dr. Tarık Yarılgaç visited the building of the Faculty of Dentistry, which was built on Cumhuriyet Campus and which accelerated the technological infrastructure studies. Antibacterial paint and pvc coating done in the new building ongoing technological infrastructure studies on the spot Rector Yarılgaç, received information about the project.
Top Level Special Systems
The center's compressors and central dental vacuum systems are being built on the premises of the Faculty of Dentistry, where the external construction works have been completed and the technological infrastructure works have been continuing rapidly. The central dental vacuum system draws attention with its sterilization features at the highest level, while central compression, hygienic and reliability qualities are the most important features of these systems especially in high-capacity health centres.
Unit Purchase of 1 Million 900 Thousand TL
The new Faculty of Dentistry is equipped with the latest technological units, which will be undertaken an innovative role both in the region and in the national borders. Designed as 6 blocks on a closed area of 15 thousand square meters, 45 units of 1 million 900 thousand TL units were purchased for the new faculty building aiming to increase the capacity by providing service to citizen's health in a wider frame. In addition to patient comfort and safety, the units that allow the physician to perform reliable and comfortable operational therapies will enable the students to combine the theory and practice of the continuing faculty with education and teaching at a rate of 100% with 296 students.
Rector Prof. Dr. Tarık Yarılgaç stated about the subject that: “Our university has adopted the principle of contributing to the development of the country as well as the development and awareness of the society and the transfer of acquired knowledge, skills and experiences to the society through qualified education, teaching and research. In this context, the Dental Medical Facility, which provides health services to the geographical area which is the health base of the Ordu and the Black Sea Region, is continuing to work on completion of the building-repair work on the new service building as well as on the technological infrastructure of the building. Dental Medical Faculty, which is equipped with the most intelligent building in our region and serves Ordu and its surroundings in the area of oral and dental health, will be the leader in the region with its newly constructed building. As Ordu University, we are aware of how important it is to invest in human health with our understanding of education, which sheds light on universally accepted scientific developments and we aim to give momentum to the sector by working towards this.”