The Message of The Rector, Prof. Dr Tarık Yarılgaç for the 103th Anniversary of 18 March Çanakkale Victory

Çanakkale Battles, a milestone in the world history, are of great importance and meaningful on account of understanding the decision of the noble nation who struggled wholly to defend his land for the sake of his future and independence.

Çanakkale which proved the existence of a hero nation emerged from a universal empire planned to be shared and disappeared in history is the starting point of a never-ended national emotion , national belief,freedom, heroism and national rearing.

Turkish nation manifested his patriotism, courage, resolution and heroism throughout Çanakkale Victories during which the first light of national struggle lit up.

Our people as a reaction of perception of his own high morality and civilization proved that the war itself has a law without giving any tolerance from compassion and mercyto the whole humans as well.

Under the epic formed the most respectful pages of history and written by the blood of thousands of martyrs lies on a loyalty to nation molded by a powerful faith, freedom passion, the love of the motherland, consiousness of being a great nation. Our beloved nation without escaping from any sacrifice signed great victories throughout history and exemplified for other nations with his struggles.  


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