ODU Builds a Settlement Compatible with the Ecological Conditions of the Region
In our university campus, environmental arrangements for more efficient and efficient use of green spaces continue without slowing down.
In order to ensure the sustainability of the green areas in our university, maintenance activities such as pruning, fertilization, irrigation and weed cleaning continue uninterrupted while the structural and vegetative landscaping projects in line with the development and needs of the campus areas are carried out in order to maintain the ecological conditions .
While creating an aesthetic and functional outdoor environment, with the plantation and flowering activities rich in flora and fauna, the university increased the green field capacity. Within the scope of the protocols signed between our university and Atatürk Horticultural Central Research Institute Directorate, Karadeniz Agricultural Research Institute Directorate and Giresun Forest Regional Directorate, Ordu Nursery A large number of trees, shrubs and shrubs obtained from the Directorate have been planted and planted in the green areas of the campus from 2014 until 2018, an increase of 7.5 times.
Our University's Rector Professor Dr. Tarık Yarılgaç who studies landscaping studies applied in the Republic Settlement in place emphasized that Ordu University is in an exemplary structure with Ordu. He also stated that "Our services have been rapidly increasing with the help of a very modern architectural concept and a sample settlement plan. We are continuing with the construction-repair and landscaping studies to create a campus that will provide economic contribution to the region we are in as a necessity of our institutional construction and most importantly meet all academic, social, cultural and sportive needs of our students. When all studies are complete, we will have a campus and our campus's international standards, eco-friendly, energy-saving, in short, a campus that can be exemplified in every way. Reflecting the quality acquired in education and training activities to physical infrastructure and environmental regulation studies, our university will continue to contribute to the city and its region with its visual richness in the campus areas as an institution that guides the region.