The First Registration For Cherry Laurel In Turkey And The World From Ordu University

As a result of the diversification studies made on the Cherry Laurel (Prunus laurocerasus) fruit in our university, our country’s and the world's first Cherry Laurel varieties will become registered.
In order to determine the widely consumed varieties of Cherry Laurel in the Black Sea Region, the study led by Prof. Dr. Ali İslam from the Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Horticulture started. In this study started in 2006 and supported by The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey, many local varieties were collected by visiting Ordu, Samsun, Rize, Trabzon, Giresun and Artvin for three years and. As a result of the 10 years of work, the varieties of Cherry Laurel obtained in two years will be the first varieties in Turkey and the world.
Prof. Dr. Ali İslam said that they started this work because of the necessity of doing the variety tests due to the fact that Cherry Laurel was consumed widely in Turkey, particularly in the Black Sea Region. He says, "Our country is one of the mainland of Cherry Laurel and important production centers. The edible forms of Cherry Laurel are located in the Caucasus, Turkey and the Balkans. In other parts of the world, there are forms that can be expressed as wild type and mostly used for landscaping purposes. In 2006, we started a project titled "Kinds of Selection and Duplication of Cherry Laurel supported by the Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey. We have collected many local varieties for three years by visiting Ordu, Samsun, Rize, Trabzon, Giresun and Artvin, which are the main production regions of Cherry Laurel. We made an evaluation of these and selected 32 genotypes of Cherry Laurel and planted them in order to carry out further experiments on controlled conditions in our University's Agricultural Faculty Research and Application Garden. Over the past 10 years we have concentrated our work on this species, undergone a lot of reviews and come to the stage of kind registration and applied to the registration and certification institution in early 2017. After approximately two years, the country and the world's first Cherry Laurel varieties will have emerged".
Rector Prof. Dr. Tarık Yarılgaç says, "Universities that are the development locomotives of the countries operate as scientific institutions undertaking the task of putting their signatures on the studies in response to regional needs and problems in accordance with their missions. Since our establishment as Ordu University, we have been struggling to fulfill the duties in order to do our part with the projects for the benefit of our country and our nationality. In this sense, the scientific studies carried out within our university on the use of regional products in every area and increasing the diversity will bring new moves to the Turkish economy and industry. "

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