“Stem Cell and Blood Donation” Seminar at our University
An informative seminar on “Stem Cell and Blood Donation was organized by Kızılay (Red Crescent) Club and blood and stem cell donation was performed in the stands.
Rector Prof. Dr. Ali Akdoğan, Dean of the Faculty of Medicine Prof. Dr. Niyazi Taşcı, Dean of the Faculty of Dentistry Prof. Dr. Varol Çanakçı, academic advisor of the Red Crescent Club Assoc. Prof. Dr. Pınar Naile Gürgör, Head of the Turkish Red Crescent Ordu Branch Binnur Enginyurt, and representatives of the Turkish Red Crescent, academic and administrative staff and students attended the program which was held in the conference hall of the Morphology building.
Kızılay Club academic advisor Assoc. Prof. Dr. Pınar Naile Gürgör, drew the attention to stem cell donation and added “A small piece of tissue given to others will be instrumental in holding on to life”.
Rector Prof. Dr. Ali Akdoğan who explained that the most important need of life is the health stated, “As in all departments of our university, we attach great importance to the studies carried out in the field of health and we provide all kinds of support to these efforts within the scope of the means of our state. I believe that this important activity will increase both the knowledge and experience of our students on stem cell and blood donation and the awareness on people. I would like to thank our academic and administrative staff and stakeholders who have contributed to the realization of this meaningful event”.
Following the speeches, the audience was informed about the stem cell and blood donation by Turkish Red Crescent officials. After the program, blood and stem cell donation was realized in Kızılay blood collection units.