The women Handball Team becomes the first in the 1st Handball Tournament among universities
While the women handball team of Ordu University has become the first in the 1st league handball tournament held by hosting of Ordu University, the men handball team has become the second. After the success the women and men handball teams gained, they received the axcess to take part in the competitions to be performed with hosting of Ordu University between the dates 26th,April and 2nd, May 2018.
The first league handball competitions carried out between the dates 2-6 April by the hosting of Federation of Turkish Universities and Ordu University have been genuinely competitive. Bozok University became the first for the women and Ankara University the second and Ordu University the third. Dr Suha Başeri from Ankara University introduced the medal to the third winner, Dr Özgür Dinçer from Ordu University to the second and Vice-Rector Prof Dr Tevfik Noyan to the women handball team.
In competitions among men while Cumhuriyet University became the third after a competitive game, Ordu University the second and Ankara University the first. The representative of Federation of Turkish Universities delivered the medal to the third team, Cumhuriyet University and the head of the faculty of physical education and sports, Dr Ercüment Erdoğan delievered the medal to Ordu University and Vice-Rector Prof Dr Tevfik Noyan introduced the medal to Ankara University accompanying with the head of department of health and culture affairs, Ali Çakmak.