Applied Education Cooperation Protocol Signed Between Our University and Automotive Companies

Within the scope of university-industry cooperation, Technical Sciences Vocational School Motor Vehicles and Transportation Technologies Department Automotive Technology Program and 10 automotive companies operating in Altınordu district, by making use of the existing technical equipment and personnel of the technical services of the companies, in order to train more equipped "Automotive Technicians" protocol was signed.

The protocol signing ceremony hosted by our university was attended by Rector Prof. Dr. Ali Akdogan, Secretary General Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mehmet Sami Güler, Director of Technical Sciences Vocational School Prof. Dr. Kürşat Korkmaz, representing automotive companies, Akten Automotive (Toyota), Altaş Ford, Ates Automotive (Opel), Ates Automotive (Honda), Ates Automotive (Hyundai), Bastug Automotive (Citroen), Bayram Automotive (Peugeot), Beken Automotive Autoking Ordu, Köy Otomotiv (Renault) and Tunalar Fiat Automotive authorized managers and representatives attended.

At the signing ceremony, our University Rector Prof. Dr. Ali Akdoğan said, “Today, we are signing the applied education cooperation protocol between our Vocational School of Technical Sciences and the companies operating in the automotive sector in Altınordu district. In our Vocational School of Technical Sciences, Motor Vehicles and Transportation Technologies Department, we have significant opportunities in terms of technical equipment. We have very valuable teachers and students. As Ordu University, we attach great importance to the transfer of scientific practices that we bring to our students through the educational activities we carry out in our institution to the industry. We have a common attitude in the point of self-sufficiency in the automotive field of our province by producing much better service in solidarity and cooperation with our university and our companies operating in the automotive sector in Ordu. I hope that this protocol, which we signed with these thoughts, will be beneficial to all participating companies and our University.” 

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