Rector Akdoğan Met with Students on the First Day of Face-to-face Education
Rector Prof. Dr. Ali Akdoğan met with the students on the first day of the 2021-2022 Academic Year, when face-to-face education started at our University.
Rector Prof. Dr. Ali Akdoğan, who talked with the students by making examinations in the student cafeterias and canteens in the Cumhuriyet Campus, said, “As of today, we are starting the academic year of our University by considering the health and safety of our students, within the framework of the Covid-19 measures, as per the decision we have taken in our Senate. Although our university is a young and dynamic university founded in 2006, it has completed its development significantly and continues to develop. We, too, continue to lead our University towards a shining star with each passing term, both with its academic and physical infrastructure and with its social, cultural and sportive activities. As Ordu University, our goal is to raise well-equipped, productive and qualified generations who love their homeland and nation, who work to move their country forward. We strive to do our best with our academic and administrative staff to ensure that our students receive a good education. After the distance education process for almost 1.5 years, we are happy to meet with our students and start face-to-face education. I wish that the 2021-2022 Academic Year will be beneficial for our Ordu, our University and our students.”