Our University Continues to Increase Its Postgraduate Education Capacity with Newly Opened Programs
With its postgraduate programs, Ordu University continues to play a leading role in raising well-equipped and versatile individuals who can produce innovative ideas, think analytically, and increase the quality of education with the newly opened postgraduate programs.
With the newly opened Department of Business Administration doctorate and Archeology Department master's programs, the Social Sciences Institute, which has increased the number of existing programs to 38, continues its educational activities with a total of 788 students in master's and doctorate programs.
The Institute of Science and Technology, which incorporated the Food Safety Master's Program with Thesis last year, continues its scientific research with a total of 516 students in 17 master's and 11 doctorate programs in 16 departments.
The Health Sciences Institute continues its academic studies in the field of health with a total of 170 students in 6 master's and 2 doctoral programs.