“Kuvayi Milliye Epic” Program was Held in Our University
Within the scope of the "Kuvayi Milliye Epic" program organized by the Faculty of Music and Performing Arts of our university, a theater, music concert and video screening were held.
Rector Prof. Dr. Orhan Baş, Dean of the Faculty of Music and Performing Arts, Prof. Dr. İrfan Karaduman, academic and administrative staff, students and guests attended the program held in the conference hall of the Morphology building.
As part of the 100th anniversary of the Republic, the theater play called "The Story of Kambur Kerim" was staged by the students. A musical concert and a video on the "Foundation Story of the Republic" were also held in the program.
Rector Prof. Dr. Orhan Baş, stated in his speech after the program, "I congratulate everyone who contributed to the organization of this valuable program prepared by the faculty members and students of our University's Faculty of Music and Performing Arts on the 100th anniversary of our Republic".
After the program, Rector Prof. Dr. Orhan Baş presented certificates of appreciation to Faculty of Music and Performing Arts faculty members, Lecturer Zeynep Erdal Öztopanlar, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Züleyha Eşgül, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Timur Eşgül and Assoc. Prof. Dr. Sercan Özkeleş.