ODU Graduate School of Social Sciences Graduate and Doctorate Applications Started
Applications to Ordu University Institute of Social Sciences graduate programs have started.
Applications for the 2022-2023 Academic Year Fall Semester postgraduate and doctoral programs of Ordu University Institute of Social Sciences, which continue to play a leading role in raising well-equipped and versatile individuals who can produce innovative ideas, think analytically, and have graduate programs in their fields, have started. Applications will end on September 10, 2022.
Necessary conditions and information about the quotas can be found on the website of Ordu University Institute of Social Sciences.
For the ad link: https://sbe.odu.edu.tr/files/other/Egitim_Ogretim/2022_2023_Akademik_Yili/Guz/Ilan_Kontenjan_Basvuru/2022-2023_Guz_Basvuru_Web_Duyurusu.pdf