Our University Faculty Members were given the "Best Article Award from Foreign Universities in 2019".
"The Best Article Award from Foreign Universities of the Year 2019'' was given to the research article prepared by our university Faculty of Dentistry faculty member Assoc. Prof. Dr. Süleyman Kutalmış Büyük and member of Technical Sciences Vocational School, Assist. Prof. Dr. Mehmet Sami Güler.
The scientific article titled “Effect or arch wire size on orthodontic reverse closing loop and retraction force in canine tooth distalization: Three-dimensional finite element analysis” prepared by our university faculty members is awarded by the German Ordotonti Association (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Kieferorthopädie, one of the world's leading orthodontics associations. V.), with "Best Article Award from Foreign Universities of the Year 2019".
Rector Prof. Dr. Ali Akdoğan said, “The award of“ Best Article from Foreign Universities of the Year 2019 ”to the faculty members of our university after their qualified scientific studies is an important indicator of our university's recognition in the international arena and one step ahead in the world of science. For these achievements, which I believe will set an example for our researchers carrying out scientific studies, I congratulate our faculty members Assist. Prof. Dr. Lecturer Mehmet Sami Güler and Assoc. Prof. Dr. Süleyman Kutalmış Büyük and wish them success in their new studies that will contribute to science. "