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27-29 AUGUST 2018

 1st Placement Registration of Admitted Students


 2nd Placement Announcement of Admitted Students


Registration should be done personally on the dates above stated.

 Registration Place and Hours: Ordu University Student Affairs Office / International Students Office Cumhuriyet Campus Altınordu/ORDU (Hours 08.00-16.30)

Turkish Proficiency Exam will be held at the Faculty of Education on the 31st of AUGUST 2018 at 10.30.



1- Candidate’s Application Exam Result Document (It must have a verification code in its documentation or be approved by the institution that has received the documentation.)

2- The original High School diploma and its translation approved by Turkish Representative Office or notary.

3- The original transcript and its translation approved by Turkish Representative Office or notary.

4- “Equıvalency Certificate” showing that the candidates’ high school diplomas are equivalent to Turkish High School Diploma taken from the Republic of Turkey Ministry of Education or Turkish Embassy in that country.

5- Original and Certified Turkish Copy (taken from Turkish Embassy or Consulate) of a passport with a student visa involving the registration date.

6- Residence permit and ID number for foreign nationals (It must be delivered to the Unit Student Office within one month from the date of registration) Students with a residence permit in Turkey, will bring "the certificate of residence"

7- Copy of Identity Card those who have the Turkısh citizenship - Blue Card photocopy for Blue Card holders (Keep the originals with you)

8- Certificate of Identity Register Copy for Students who have dual citizenship - foreign national at birth and later Turkish citizenship

9- Military Status Statement from Turkish citizen male candidates

10- A document or a written contract proving that the student has enough financial funds determined by the University Executive Board to study and live in Turkey during the duration of their studies.

11- Bank receipt showing that the tuition fee has been deposited in the relevant bank. Click for the tuition fee.

12- Photos (6 copies)

13- If available, Turkish or foreign language proficiency certificate,

14- Candidates who will register for Fatsa Faculty of Marine Sciences / Maritime Transportation and Management Engineering have to certify that their state of health is suitable for the department with “Medical Examination of Seafarers” taken from General Directorate of Health for Borders and Coasts

      ( * )   Passport with Student Visa ( Condition of Student Visa will not be asked from the students who have come to Turkey with a visa or visa exemption and acquire a right to study at our university at a/an Bachelor - Associate Degree while staying with residence permit)


  1. Registration should be done personally. Registration by mail is not allowed.

b) No copies or photocopies of documents requested for registration are accepted

c) Registration is not possible with missing documents.

d) Your right to registration is cancelled when you are not able to present the requested documents or if you do not fulfill the criteria, because of the difference between your original documents and your declaration / documentary during the final registration.

e)  Additional documents may be requested from the candidates if deemed necessary and the right to enrol shall be cancelled if missing documents are not provided. 


GÜLSEVİN GÜNEN (Departmental Manager)      0452 226 52 60-1734

GAYE SEVAL İYİGÜN                                             0452 226 52 60-1731


T.C. Ordu Üniversitesi © 2018 Cumhuriyet Yerleşkesi PK 52200 Altınordu / ORDU Telefon : 0 ( 452 ) 226 52 00
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