Nevruz Day celebrated
The event to celebrate Nevruz Day has been organized by the Tuskish History Club and the Department of Health and Culture Affairs at Ordu University.
The Rector Prof Dr Tarık Yarılgaç, Deputy Governor, Turgut Subaşı, Deputy Rectors Prof Dr Fikri Balta, Prof Dr Tevfik Noyan, The Head of Ordu Tourism and Culture Department, The General Secretary Docent Dr Kenan Şahin, The Deans of the faculties and the sudents have been part in the event at Cumhuriyet Campus.
At the openining ceremony, the Chairman of Student’s Council, Mustafa Boran made a speech. Mr Boran said ‘’ We all nation are celebrating a new Nevruz Day on 21 March according to the Gregorian calender. Nevruz has been a sign to contribute to peace, friendship, hugging in Turk-Islam geography. The great Tukish nation who has focused on the same ideals and had the same dreams, cheered and suffered the same pains and cried together and announced for victory and also left trace behind from Adriatic to China Wall. The chairman of the studen’s council, Boran added ‘’ the contentment of the hearts, the excitement of the loves have been much more powerful from the Balkans to the Middle Asia with the the Nevruz of the Turks and offered us all the magnificient beauty. Thus, I celebrate the harbinger of spring, Nevruz Day of Turks-Islam World’’.
The Deputy Governor of Ordu also made a speech at the ceremony. The Deputy Governor said ‘’Nevruz is a cultural heritage day. The day which is recognized and celebrated by The UN has been celebrated for ages in our culture and tradition. With these events, the only target is to increase the solidarity and unity among us. As long as we share our values and get them from anchestors and transfer them to future generations, the stability in Turkish geography and powerful existence will survive. Today we have proudly watched the world-admired operations against the terrorist groups that threaten our country and we have commemorated the heroes who sacrificied their lives for the country in the past and memorialized the veterans respectfully’’. At the end of his speech, the Deputy Governor thanked Ordu University for the hospitality of the event.
The Rector, Prof Dr Tarık Yarılgaç in his speech at the ceremony said ‘’ The Nevruz Day celebrated by the UN in 2010 across the world as a feast has an extinguished place in Turkish history. Known from the Middle Asia to the Balkans in those lands for ages, Nevruz is the name of a festival which animates and cherishes spring, awakening, abundance, fruitfullness, unity and solidarity’’. The Rector added ‘’ Nevruz is also a turning point which harbingers ancient knowledge of the wisdom societies and reawakening of the nature. Nevruz which is the day when global relation between humanity and nature transforms in a feast and has also a role of a bridge of natural and cultural arising between past and future is one of our common cultural riches which provide unity and solidarity of the Turkish Nation. On behalf of protecting of unity and solidarity, it is vital the ending of the operation being held by the Turkish troops these days in Afrin carry a big importance and come across the same rate of Çanakkale Victory’’.
The Rector Prof Dr Tarık Yarılgaç finished his speech saying that ‘’ while we thank our hero army who signs a victory with the operations, and also I would like to give my respect to the veterans and wish mercy to the martyres .
Hereby, I cordially celebrate Nevruz Day held on behalf of continuation of our customs and traditions and reinforcing our friendship and desire Nevruz Festival to be a variety of beginnings for peace’’.
The event ended with the Nevruz fire and service to the participants.