Rector Akdoğan Examined the Greenhouse Areas in the Research and Application Land of the Faculty of Agriculture
Rector Akdoğan Examined the Greenhouse Areas in the Research and Application Land of the Faculty of Agriculture within the scope of “DOKAP Region Polycarbon Greenhouse Growing Project”.
Within the framework of the "DOKAP Region Polycarbon Greenhouse Growing Project", which aims to expand modern greenhouse cultivation in the region, the installation works of 10 polycarbonate greenhouses, each 144 square meters, for research, demonstration and education purposes, are ongoing in the Faculty of Agriculture Research and Application Site.
In these greenhouses established, mainly vegetable growing (lettuce, tomato, cucumber, bean, etc.), strawberry cultivation, ornamental plants (cut floriculture), seedling greenhouse or grape fruit cultivation will be carried out in soil and soilless culture, and seeds, seedlings and saplings can be supplied with certificates. With the research and applications to be made, it is aimed to provide solutions to the problems of the region and the world agriculture by the departments of Horticulture, Plant Protection, Biosystem Engineering, Landscape Architecture, Field Crops, Soil Science and Plant Nutrition of the Faculty of Agriculture.
Dean of the Faculty of Agriculture Prof. Dr. Tahsin Tonkaz, accompanying Rector Prof. Dr. Ali Akdoğan during the investigations, stated, “Studies in these greenhouses are carried out with the support of DOKAP. This project, which is carried out with the support of DOKAP, is carried out within the scope of popularizing polycarbonate greenhouse cultivation. When these greenhouses are allocated to the relevant departments, those departments will be able to conduct different research and applications in line with their own purposes, and they will also be able to use them for educational purposes.”
Rector Prof. Dr. Ali Akdoğan explained, Universities are knowledge production centers that guide the city, region, country and society in which they are located through scientific research. Important studies are carried out on the Research and Application Site of the Faculty of Agriculture of our university to increase the yield of the products of our region and to guide our producers in order to increase the yield of the region's fruit and vegetable species. Here, in our greenhouses to be established for research, application and training purposes, for example, how a vegetable is grown in the most ideal sense, what characteristics it has and how it can be grown better and which is more suitable for the agriculture in this region will be investigated by our relevant departments. With the widespread use of greenhouse cultivation in our region, it is aimed to make significant progress in vegetable cultivation and studies related to hazelnuts, and the development of greenhouse-related industry in our region, in this context, it is aimed to increase the scientific publications to be carried out at our University.”