Intercollegiate Volleyball Regional League Group Competitions Started under the Host of Our University
“Intercollegiate Volleyball Regional League Group Competitions (Women-Men)” started with the hosting of our university.
The opening ceremony of the volleyball competition held in the sports hall of the Faculty of Sports Sciences was attended by Rector Prof. Dr. Ali Akdoğan, Ordu Metropolitan Municipality Secretary General Sait İnan, Faculty Deans, academic staff and guests attended.
Said Inan, General Secretary of Ordu Metropolitan Municipality, stated, “Ordu family continues its activities to do the best with all its institutions and organizations. As Ordu Metropolitan Municipality, we support sports activities with our sailing and canoe sports club, ski facility and tennis courts. We are doing our best to make Ordu more successful and have better days. With these thoughts in mind, I wish this tournament to be completed without accident and injury.”
In his opening speech at the ceremony, Rector Akdoğan expressed his thoughts and feelings, “This tournament, which will be held, will also be a good opportunity for you, our dear young people in this region to come together, meet and demonstrate the sportsmanship of the sport. Thus, you, the esteemed young people of our 8 universities from Giresun to Bolu in this region, will show you what a beautiful activity sport is, and that social, cultural and sports activities have a meaningful place in universities, along with scientific activities. I congratulate and thank the rectors of each of our universities for their participation in this tournament. In addition, I would like to thank the Faculty of Sports Sciences of our University, the Department of Health, Culture and Sports and all our friends who took part in the event. I wish this tournament to be held auspicious."
In the competitions to be held between 12-16 December, the women's and men's volleyball teams of Abant İzzet Baysal, Gaziosmanpaşa, Ondokuz Mayıs, Kastamonu, Amasya, Düzce, Sinop, Hitit and Giresun Universities will compete together with our University.